Pettipaug Yacht Club
41° 22' 33" N
72° 23' 02" W
Elevation: 20 ft |
Data & graphs update every five minutes.
Data provided by a Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus Weather Station and installed by Sandy Sanstrom, Bob Cashman and Cameron Taylor.
Current Values |
Sunrise 7:03a
Sunset 4:20p
--- at --- mph
29.979 in & Steady
Today's Rain
0.00 in
Rain Rate
-0.01 in/hr
Storm Total
0.08 in
Monthly Rain
0.17 in
Yearly Rain
29.09 in
Wind Chill
THW Index
Heat Index
--- index
Solar Radiation
--- W/m²
Today's Highs/Lows |
High Temperature Low Temperature
---- ---°F at
---- |
High Humidity Low Humidity
at ----
---% at
---- |
High Dewpoint Low Dewpoint |
at ----
---°F at
---- |
High Barometer Low Barometer |
29.979 in
at 5:24p
29.969 in at
5:08p |
High Rain Rate |
0.00 in/hr
at ----
Low Wind Chill |
at ---- |
High Heat Index |
at ----
High UV |
0.0 index at
---- |
High Solar Radiation |
0 W/m² at
---- |